Training Methods

What Does Training Look Like?

At Reward Your Dog Training, Verena believes in utilizing a research-backed, ethical approach, using rewards-based methods of training that set both you and your dog up for success.

Let’s face it - solving behavioral issues can be tricky, and it can be a long term project that requires thoughtful planning and execution.

Verena’s focus is not just on teaching your dog skills but also coaching you to become the best trainer you can be for your pup - so that you can confidently and successfully continue the training journey - as a team with your dog.

Training Your Dog…

When it comes to your dog, Verena is committed to looking at your dog as a whole, complete being. That means making sure your dog’s overall well-being is enhanced both during and outside of training. For training, you and Verena will use rewards to help you build skills your dog can then employ to navigate challenging environments. Using a methodical approach, your dog will over time grow their confidence and ability to face their triggers, step by step. During the training process, Verena will make sure that your dog is respected as an individual and safely given choice and agency to help them overcome their big feelings.

… And Coaching You to Train Your Dog!

In addition to building your dog’s skill repertoire, Verena will also use a positive and motivating coaching approach to help you understand how to truly see your dog and help them overcome their problematic behaviors over time. Verena will encourage you to begin creating your own training plans and set ups until you feel confident that you can handle the rest.

While Verena will help you as long as you need, she also strongly believes that you are capable of understanding the necessary principles and ideas behind dog training so that you eventually can become independent of a trainer. Instead of taking the leash from you, Verena aims to show you how you can best handle your dog - on your own.

Why “Reward Your Dog”?

Reward Your Dog Training is truly committed to low stress, force free training methods. Verena utilizes mostly rewards-based training as well as occasionally withholding rewards if necessary. In addition, she will help you meet your dog’s needs to create a strong baseline for training and work with you to determine how to set up your dog’s environment for success.

Verena does not support, recommend or teach the use of aversive training methods, such as shock, prong or choke collars, slip leads, sudden noises or verbal corrections. Effective training hinges instead on having a safe and trusting relationship with your dog, and if you are a source of pain and discomfort for your dog, not only will your overall relationship suffer but also your dog’s stress will increase. For this reason, Reward Your Dog Training stands behind force free training methods.

That said, if you have or are currently using training collars or corrections with your dog and would like to learn another way, Verena can help you make the switch towards rewards-based training. If that is you, you get to decide when you’re ready to let go of any aversive training gear - because, let’s face it, you are most likely not using these methods to be mean but because it has kept you and your dog safe so far. But you are also here because you’d like to learn a new way. Once you have built up a toolkit of new skills that you feel confident with, you and your dog can safely take the plunge into the world of positive reinforcement.

Ready to learn how to reward your dog?

Focus on Relationship!